Connie Gee Designs · Cross Stitch · HAED · Ingleside Imaginarium · Monday Round Up

Monday Round Up #3 or Bits and Pieces

So, it’s March! That means all my SALs updated plus the HAED SAL dropped. Out of all of them, that is the largest. I have no intentions of keeping up truly… but I will make an effort. I am very happy with how the HAED SAL looks, but I am going to make some color changes. Because I love the color blue and yellow roses are my favorite. I just need to pick some stuff…


I plan on gridding this with Sulky Sliver here in the next few days and actually making a start on it. I really should just pick a day. But first, I wanna get other things done.

I mentioned last week that I wasn’t expecting to get much cross stitch done while filling in for the other store. I actually did take Connie Gee’s Rainbow SAL with me. I managed to Rainbow SAL Marchget it about half done down there. It was sort of a break from tradition to work on Rainbow first, but I actually had it ready to go and it actually dropped on the first of March.

So it is done in DMC 722. And it didn’t show as well on camera as it does in real life. It wasn’t helped by the fact that it was snowing this morning when I was taking pictures and the natural light wasn’t at its best. But it’s super pretty! I love the elegance in this design. It stitched up faster than February’s.

Next month moves into a yellow-green. I haven’t added to the border (and when I was ironing my starch spray can broke and I couldn’t get the wrinkles out of the bulk of the piece). So you should hopefully see this piece again before Smalls Update.

Then I actually had to wind the flosses for Birthstone Dragon’s Aquamarine. Birthstone Dragons Mar WIP 1This guy so far only has two colors (four if you count the two stitches of white and black), but this pattern seems to work best when doing one color rather than one section. Strange, but hey, if it works, it works!

This lovely sea dragon is quite pretty and I hope to get him done today or tomorrow. Well, really today, because tomorrow will likely return to be an all-day Horizon Zero Dawn day. I’m still wondering why it’s called that…

On Sunday I managed to find some time to work on the Super Secret Project. I really love working on it, but it’s hard to find time. I probably should pull it out at home and give it a good few hours of solid, devoted time.

I’m trying to figure out a good rotation because I want to get to some other projects, but keeping up on the SALs takes a lot of time. It’s time well worth it though, because each SAL is so pretty. I want to start Cloudsfactory this week, and I’ll probably work on the Super Secret  Project on Sunday again. I’m thinking I may devote Sundays exclusively to it. But again, we’ll see how things work out.

And that’s all from me this week. Until next time!

Stay sane and don’t die!
❤ Madison

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